Wednesday, June 11, 2008

naked portraits

Whilst procrastinating, I rehashed some old Sex and the City episodes and there was this one episode where Samantha went to take some professional naked photos of herself so that she would remember herself at her prime when she's all old and saggy.

As vain as that may be, I personally think its a brilliant idea. Thank god for photos. How would us Asians survive without cameras! I look back at photos taken about 2 years ago and I could easily see the difference in youth - the forehead wrinkles and the tiredness in the eyes. As awkward as it may be posing nude in front of a random, I would love to capture myself at my prime so there is evidence that there WAS a prime! Perhaps not a photo...but maybe a painting. I always used to joke with a certain someone that if me and him were ever in a nude photo, someone may pull the photographer up for child pornography because we look like 12 year olds.

Anyway...less procrastinating and more studying.

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